Monday, May 7, 2012

Medieval Party

My daughter had taken a field trip to the Medieval Times dinner show, and really enjoyed it, so she wanted to carry that theme onto her birthday party.  She drew up her own invitations, which I replicated on the computer and printed.


We thought about what types of food they had during the medieval period and tried to stay with that for the meal.  We included chicken, rolls, grapes, etc.

For the cake, she wanted a dragon cake.  I found the idea on the Family Fun website, and it worked wonderfully.  It's made with two round cakes, then cut into pieces and put together to make the shape of the dragon.  Some candy is used to add the wings and other features. I used fruit roll-ups for the wings, butterfinger pieces for the toes, chocolate graham crackers cut into triangles for the scales, marshmallows cut in half and a chocolate chip for the eyes, fruit roll-up strips for the fire.

She and I made our own banners to hang around the room.  I looked up a few family crests, and the rest came from her imagination.  We bought felt at the craft store, then cut out shapes and glued them on larger felt pieces.  We found long sticks to hang them on.

We bought jewels at the craft store and circle glue dots, then picked up plastic goblets from the dollar store and each of the guests decorated their own royal goblet.

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